My Venture into Goodbyes
In the last 14 months, I've posted over 100 recipes. Over 700 people subscribe to my blog and my recipes have been printed more than 40,000 times. I've had a great time doing my blog but it is an ever-increasing drain on my time. As many of you know, I do enjoy cooking but, most of all, I enjoy new recipe development. I've been really busy at work and I haven't had much time to work on new recipes (or even cook for myself!). After weeks of thinking about it, I've decided to quit doing my blog. Sniff!
Before I sign-off for the last time, I wanted to let you know my Top 5 Recipes over the last year. They are:
#1 – Southwestern Eggrolls (a clone of Chili's Southwestern Eggrolls)
#2 – Slow-Roasted Turkey Breast with Gravy
#3 – Catherine's Sweet Potato Mousse
#4 – Clone of Taco Bell's Baja Sauce
#5 – Beef and Potato Tacos
The following posts were the most read (probably because they all contained a funny story):
#1 -- Nacho Cheesy Chili
#2 -- Klingon Chicken
#3 -- Fluffernutter Bread Pudding
#4 -- Tacos al Pastor
#5 -- Dill-icious Potato Rolls (formerly known as Hong Kong Potato Roll Thingies)
Today, I am posting my final recipe. It's a clone of the batter used on Long John Silver's Chicken Planks or fish. I used the ingredient list on Long John Silver's website as a guide to make my own version. I actually like my version of the batter better than the real thing! This batter can be used for chicken, fish, shrimp, onion rings, or even Fried Frito Pie. What?! Fried Frito Pie?! Has he gone mad?! It's state fair season so I wanted to a posting related to foods at state fairs. One of the must-try foods at our state fair was the Krispy Kreme Hamburgers. It's a hamburger with Krispy Kreme doughnuts for the buns. I didn't try this concoction but it sounds really disgusting to me.
The 2010 winner of the Texas State Fair's Big Tex Choice Fried Food Award was a recipe for Fried Frito Pie. Gosh, it seems like they're frying everything nowadays: Fried Oreos, Fried Twinkies, Fried Butter, Fried Beer… Frying Frito pie was an interesting choice so I decided to try making some using my batter recipe. As you all probably know, Frito Chili Pie is traditionally made by ladling chili over Fritos and topping the mixture with cheese (and sometimes onions). Very yummy. How would this work if the chili pie were coated in a batter and fried? It was great! In fact, the photo at the top contains a few nuggets of Fried Frito Pie (as well as a couple of my Chicken Planks). I'll probably never make Fried Frito Pie again but it was fun to try it once.
This is a sad farewell for me. I've really enjoyed and appreciated all of your wonderful comments and support over the last year. I wish I didn't have to work for a living so I could spend more time on my blog! I encourage all of you to keep cooking and trying new foods and flavors. The next time you try a new, funky food, think of me. I'll miss you Blog Buddies! Best wishes – and happy cooking!
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Battered Chicken or Fish
A clone of Long John Silver's™ Chicken Planks or Fish
(Printable Version)
1 1/2 lbs chicken tenders or a mild, white fish (such as cod)
Salt to taste
Flour for dusting
For the Batter:
1 c all-purpose flour
1 1/2 TBSP cornstarch
1 TBSP corn flour (not corn meal)
1 1/2 tsp table salt
1/2 tsp Accent (MSG), optional
1/2 tsp onion powder
1/4 tsp garlic powder
1/4 tsp paprika
1/4 tsp black pepper
1 tsp baking powder
1/4 tsp baking soda
1/4 tsp cream of tartar
1 c water plus more as needed
1 tsp vinegar
Oil for frying
Dry the chicken tenders (or fish) well. Salt the chicken tenders (or fish) and set aside. For the batter, whisk all of the dry ingredients together in a medium bowl. Add 1 cup of water and vinegar and whisk smooth. Set aside.
Add about 3" of oil to a medium pot over medium-high heat. The pot needs to be deep enough to hold the oil plus leave plenty of room for the oil to expand when frying. Heat the oil to 350F. While the oil is heating, preheat the oven to 200F.
When the oil is approaching 350F, whisk the batter again. If it has thickened too much, add another tablespoon of water and whisk. Toss 2 to 3 pieces of chicken (or fish) in some flour (dredge the number of pieces that will fit in your pot without crowding it). Shake off all excess flour. Dip a piece of chicken (or fish) in the batter, allow most of the excess to drip off, then slowly add to the hot oil. Repeat with the remaining piece(s). Fry until deep brown. Transfer the chicken to a wire rack inserted into a sheet pan and place the sheet pan in the oven to keep warm until all of the chicken has been fried. Allow the oil to return to 350F before adding more pieces.
Texas Fried Frito Pie
1 recipe of the batter (see above)
1 can of prepared chili (no beans)
1-2 TBSP finely chopped onions, optional
4 oz cheddar cheese
Frito Scoops
Combine the chili, onions (if using), and cheddar cheese in a medium bowl. Use a spoon to add a small amount of the chili mixture to a Frito Scoop. Place on a small cookie sheet. Repeat with as many scoops as you want to fry. Place the cookie sheet in the freezer for about 15 minutes. Freezing the scoops will make it easier to dip them in the batter.
While the scoops are chilling, make the batter and start heating the oil. When the oil is nearly at 350F, pull the cookie sheet out the oven and drop a chili-filled scoop into the batter. Use a form to coat the scoop with the batter. Using the same fork, pull out the scoop – allowing the excess batter to drip off. Add to the hot oil and repeat with additional scoops. Don't overcrowd the pot. Fry until deep brown. Drain on paper towels and keep warm in an oven set at 200F.
Goodbye Blog Buddies! I'll miss you all!
ReplyDeleteDon't quit. Just because you can't post a recipe as quickly as you like - doesn't mean we'll quit checking in. I for one, have really, really enjoyed your recipes. I LOVE your Garlic Fried Rice - my husband asks for it on a regular basis.
ReplyDeleteI wouldn't care if you just posted a recipe every six months. I'd check back in....
Oh well, whatever you decide to do - good luck and you will be missed.
We'll miss you too!!! Hope to see you back again someday!
ReplyDeleteGood Luck!
ReplyDeleteI hope you'll leave your blog as an open-ended adventure. I'd love to see you back as soon as you have the time and desire. Promise you'll consider coming back some day. Let's not say goodbye. Let's just say, "so long for now."
ReplyDeleteVisit me on my blog and say hello now & again!
Hope to see you again soon!
ReplyDeleteAre you going to keep your blog up? I sure hope so - I do come here and print out recipes from time to time. I hate to see you are quitting but I do understand. I just have a simple blog and it's so hard to post on a regular basis. If I didn't work I could do better so I understand. But you know you could keep the blog and just post whenever you feel like it. At least some of your stories - I enjoy them as much as the recipes. It would be a big loss to see you just quit altogether. Think about it - your fans will miss you.
ReplyDeleteI agree with all the prior comments; if you only post a recipe twice a year, I'd enjoy hearing from you. Someday you may retire and want to post more frequently. Should that happen, I'd still love to hear from you. I've always enjoyed your recipes and stories. I'd miss hearing the stories about your mom.
ReplyDeleteI love your blog and if it goes away I will cry :-(
ReplyDeleteWhat? Gonna miss you.....I agree with the others. Don't give it up completely, every now and then you may want to share something and when you do, we will be waiting, like an old friend.
ReplyDeleteYou all are so kind! I might go ahead and post a recipe once or twice a year. I guess you can never say never!
ReplyDeleteI agree with everyone else.. just cause you dont post every week, anytime you do post has been great.. so please keep your blog up, and maybe you will find something that is too good to NOT share and we'll all appreciate it when we see you have updated your blog! :) If not, Good Luck!
ReplyDeleteYeah, I love your blog, please don't go away. We understand that life can be super busy sometimes but that doesn't mean you have to completely shut down this part of your life. Obviously this is all your choice but I just wanted to voice my opinion that your recipes and stories are what make your blog special and on a short list of my favorite cooking blogs.
ReplyDeleteI have enjoyed your recipes and stories for so long now! I can certainly empathize when Life takes a hold of your reigns. You need to take care of you. I wish you the best, and yes, indeed, you will be remembered, as I hope you will remember us. But.. never say never again! ;)
ReplyDeleteSeriously...I do hope you leave your blog up for a while so we can catch up on any ones we need to print again. I, for one, had TWO computer crashes, and a problem with backed up files...so I lost ALL my downloaded and "To Print" recipes. *sighs*
Don't go! Am so sad to see this post! Please stay on and keep posting, even if it is once in a blue moon, I LOVE reading them...
ReplyDeleteBut i know how work catches up and time runs away from you, so if you don't blog again, I wish you all the best and if you ever make it out to HK again, get in touch!! XX Shal XX
*sniff* *sniff* *sniff*
ReplyDeleteI am sad to see you stop with the blog. I know it is hard to do everything that you want so just quit your job and keep blogging.......... ok well please try and post once in a while-- I for one will miss you...
No-one else gave me the recipe for peanut butter jelly bars..............thanks
I would like to add a big thank you for the wonderful recipes and stories! Please leave your blog up, so we can all revisit, and I hope that you do decide to post from time to time!
ReplyDeleteGood luck and best wishes!
I will miss you, your recipes, and your stories. Go with grace and may your life be filled with delicious new ventures.
ReplyDeleteI only just discovered your blog a few months ago, but have enjoyed it. A joy to read and great recipes.
ReplyDeleteI just recently found your blog and I've only tried four of your recipes, but I do love the result and I plan to try all of your recipes. So, I just want to say thank you for all your hard work. Good luck with everything! And I hope you'll continue this blog someday.
ReplyDeleteVince, I agree with all those above.....post when you can. But would it be possible, since we will be waiting oh-so-patiently, to get the funny stories too? :)
ReplyDeleteI've enjoyed your blog immensely, thank you for sharing your recipes and letting us get to know you.....til 'next time'!
saint68 on TK
Aww... I hate that you're no longer venturing into cooking! I really enjoyed reading your blog-- it's one of the rare times I actually read instead of just look at the pictures. In fact, tonight I'm trying your Shepherd's Pie Lasagna for the first time.
ReplyDeleteJoy -- You are so sweet! Thank you for the kind words.
ReplyDeleteJB -- I hope you like the Shepherd's Pie Lasagna!
Oh I hope you don't leave! Your stories have been a delight to read and your dishes completely delicious! Garlic Fried Rice is fabulous. And I agree, even if its every 3 months, just hearing something from you would be lovely. :)
ReplyDeleteI am so bummed that you are quitting your blog. I realize you have to make a living. However, I have a family to feed *sniff* my husband and kids depend on me for a yummy homecooked meal. We are gonna miss you! Our favourite cooking venture recipes are Klingon Chicken, Garlic Fried Rice, and your butter chicken. YOU ARE MISSED!
ReplyDeleteShandela -- I'll miss all of my blog buddies, too! *sniff* You mentioned my Klingon Chicken. My mother recently asked me when I was going to make her some of my Uranus Chicken. I said, "It's KLINGON Chicken, ma, not URANUS Chicken!" She's obviously not a Star Trek fan.
ReplyDeleteGoing to miss reading your delicious recipes!!
ReplyDeleteOHHH Don't quit...Make it more of a hobby and post when you can. I love your blog....will miss it
You are one of only a few cooking blogs that I visited on a regular basis. I hope you find time in the future to share more recipes. Good luck with whatever you do.
ReplyDeleteYour blog is one of my favorites. You have a real talent and we all hate to see you give it up. Take some time off. Then return. (p.s.-I have never posted a comment before) you have a great sense of humor.
ReplyDeleteVince -
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry to see you've quit blogging! There are some absolutely fabulous recipes here! Wow!
I certainly hope you do grace everyone with your presence now and then and post something new. Taking a break is a good thing sometimes. It doesn't have to be forever . . . ;-)
wow, way late to the party, but so sad to see you stop blogging :( I have been in a cooking rut so I haven't been around in a while, but thank you for sharing what you wonderful recipes you have shared!
ReplyDeleteWow I just found yours and then I see the first posting that you are going to quit *sigh*
ReplyDeleteVince, come back!!!
ReplyDeleteI am bummed to discover this today. Granted I hadn't been reading for a couple months, mostly because I lost the link. I love this blog and your stories never failed to cheer me up and make me laugh. Fitch especially (don't we all know someone like that?)
ReplyDeleteI'm echoing the others in hoping you will post every few months or so, if for no other reason than so we can all see that you are still doing well. That's the thing about this blog that I really hope you can see, is that you made connections with some of us that really mattered. We care about you and wish you continued success! You deserve it buddy! Thanks for the laughs and the recipes too!
I miss hearing about your goings-on. What have you been up to? You need to post an update even if there aren't any recipes involved. I'm sure everyone would love to hear from you.
ReplyDeleteHi Maxine! I am doing well. I still enjoy cooking and experimenting with new recipes. My family, I'm sure, has to resist the urge to roll their eyes every time I tell them I've come up with a new recipe that they need to try. My mother especially doesn't like my messing around with her tried and true recipes. When I tell her that I've been playing around with one of her recipes, she normally just throws up her hands and says, "Oh, here we go again!" :-)
ReplyDeleteChecking in on you! Hope all is well. :)
ReplyDeleteTrish in MO
Hi Trish! It's great to hear from you again! All is well. It's hot and humid here in Kansas so I've not been cooking as much lately. At this time of the year, just give me some fresh fruit and veggies and I'm in heaven. I hope you and your family are doing well!
ReplyDeleteI just tried this recipe last week and my family bugged me until I made them again last night! Incredibly good! I miss your posts, but I'm having fun going back through all your old posts. Glad you left the site up. Take care!
ReplyDeleteI've enjoyed your recipes over at PW. I RARELY ever stop by someone's personal blog. Your recipes stand out for me though so I decided to drop by and see what recipes you have here. I'm sorry to see that you are no longer blogging. Maybe you could throw us a bone this year and post a couple of holiday recipes??? Take care. I hope you are doing well.
ReplyDeleteHi Vince! I still have your cooking blog saved in my favorites. I hope you're doing well. Any chance for a new recipe or two *fingers crossed*?
ReplyDeleteThanks for checking in on me! I'm still alive and kicking. Alas, it's not likely I'll post any new recipes soon. :-( Right now, I'm busier than a one-eyed cat watching nine mouse holes. You never know. Maybe one day I'll have time to restart my blog!
ReplyDeleteNice post. I really enjoy reading it. Very instructive, keep on writing.Thanks for sharing.
ReplyDeleteStopping by to see if you've posted any new recipes lately. You are missed. I hope you are doing well.
ReplyDeleteNo, unfortunately no new recipes. Life is keeping more busy than ever. I do miss posting recipes though. Thanks for checking in on me!
ReplyDeleteI am absolutely loving your gorgeous blog!I love this blog.Thanks for sharing.